Let’s go bowling.

It’s fun to play code golf, but have you ever tried code bowling?

The goal of code golf is to solve a problem with as few lines of code as possible. The goal of code bowling is the opposite; to solve a problem with as much complicated code as you can.

Just for fun, instead of trying to minimize the amount of code used, try to maximize it. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of what’s possible and what’s avoidable.

Jugaad: Innovation born from necessity and limited resources.

If you’re ever presented with a problem that leads you to think to yourself, “this would work if we had x or y process in place, or if so and so could do their job, or if the system was different,” don’t. Instead, try to work through the problem controlling only what you can control. What’s the real problem? Can you solve it with only what you currently have access to?

Take the Jugaad Challenge!